Comments ( 11 )
Free Spaceships Sprite Pack
Hello Friends,
Sujit Yadav here, This time I did not create this spaceships pack. I hired a guy to create this. Hope you will like it. Keep rocking and keep making games. Don’t stop.

Here is the link to download it in PNG format. If you need the PSD then GIVE ME ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Just Kidding π Subscribe to the website. I will be sending the source file to the subscriber soon.
windows says it is unsafe to download!
Get a MAC π
Awesome. I stumble upon your work on OpenGameArt and visit your website to see more of your work. I am creating a space shooter game and if possible, can i have the psd files? I already subscribed to your website. if my game finishes, i will definitely credit you properly. Thank.
ps: I don’t understand why my comment all in Uppercase, the capslock is not turned on π
Sent buddy π Best of luck.
muchas GRACIAS por los sprites,justo lo que NECESITABA para comenzar a practicar como hacer juegos 2d. π
Thank you. Welcome!!!
muchas gracias por los sprites, justo lo que necesitaba para comenzar a practicar como hacer juegos 2d π
Thank you very much! I’m very happy for see this website.
Could you send me Psd fΔ±les too please ?
I wΔ±sh good luck for your works π
Sent π
Gostaria do arquivo png das esprites